The workshop in Munich is an excellent occasion to get to know Anne Benveniste's work with following themes: starting from body awareness, lightening and fluidifying the dance to free the
movement and move towards greater creativity. She will pick up the three dance styles of Raqs Sharqi with their different energies. This time Anne will enrich her teaching by showing the
different possibilities with the wonderfull veil.
More information about Raqs Sharqi.
Basic knowledge of Oriental Dance is required!
Teaching will be in English!
Anne Benveniste, born in France, descends from an origin Egyptian family. Since childhood, being surrounded by a mediterranean environment, she developed an intense sense for middle eastern culture.
Her artistic inspiration, originated from Egyptian dance traditions, is evolving into a more contemporary form.
She attained the Raqs Sharqi School diploma and continues to train up until now. Since 1993 she has been teaching dance in Paris and has created numerous performances.
Anne never stops to develop oriental movement in space to bring out its dramatic dimension. The traditional repertoire contains the modern elements that emphasizes her innovative dance writing. With freedom and ease, being the fruit of years of work, Anne Benveniste expands the ancestral power of Egyptian Oriental dance.
More information:
Workshopgebühr für beide Tage 160.-€, für einen Tag 85.-€
Die Gebühr wird mit der Anmeldung fällig.
Im Shanti, Raum an der Treppe,
ehemalige Yoga-Werkstatt,
Plinganserstr. 23,
in der Nähe Harras, U6, 81369 München
Es ist bewiesen, dass Tanzen zu den Urbedürfnissen des Menschen gehört, Glückshormone ausschüttet und die Zufriedenheit ganzheitlich auf körperlicher, geistiger und seelischer Ebene fördert. Die beste Grundlage für Gesundheit – sich einfach gesund tanzen!
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